An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> qstringmap["bankercode"]  [in template "10153#10191#6785105" at line 6, column 23]

Tip: It's the final [] step that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign bBankerCode = qstringmap["ban...  [in template "10153#10191#6785105" at line 6, column 1]
1<#assign url = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() /> 
3<#assign qstringmap = httpUtil.getParameterMap(httpUtil.getQueryString(url))> 
4<#assign environment = url?replace('/creditcardapply.*','','r')> 
6<#assign bBankerCode= qstringmap["bankercode"]?first> 
7<!-- prevent cross site scripting by escaping data we get from url. --> 
8<#assign bBankerCode= htmlUtil.escape(bBankerCode)> 
9<#assign bBankerCode= htmlUtil.escapeJS(bBankerCode)> 
10<#assign bBankerCode= htmlUtil.escapeURL(bBankerCode)> 
11<#assign ecidQueryParam = ""> 
12<#if qstringmap["ecid"]?has_content> 
13    <#assign ecidQueryParam = qstringmap["ecid"]?first > 
14    <#assign ecidQueryParam = htmlUtil.escape(ecidQueryParam)> 
15    <#assign ecidQueryParam = htmlUtil.escapeJS(ecidQueryParam)> 
16    <#assign ecidQueryParam = '&ecid=' + htmlUtil.escapeURL(ecidQueryParam)> 
19<#assign backButtonUrl = "/web/creditcardapply/cc/landing?bankercode=${bBankerCode}${ecidQueryParam}"> 
21<!-- image url defaults to prod. if UAT the we overide for it. --> 
22<#assign backButtonImageUrl = "${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/arrows/back_to_cards_arrow.png"> 
23<#assign backButtonMobileImageUrl = "${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/arrows/back_to_cards_arrow_mobile.png"> 
25<#-- What enviroment we are in QA UAT PROD --> 
26<#assign host = request["scheme"] + "://" + themeDisplay.getServerName()> 
28<header class="t2a-header"> 
29    <div class="t2a-main-maxWidth t2a-header-content" title> 
30        <nav class="t2a-header-content-nav"> 
31            <ul> 
32                <#foreach item in navigation.getSiblings()> 
33                    <li> 
34                        ${item.getData()} 
35                    </li> 
36                </#foreach> 
37            </ul> 
38        </nav> 
39        <#if !url?contains("/landing")> 
40            <a  
41                href="${backButtonUrl}"  
42                target="_self"  
43                aria-label="Back to All Cards"  
44                class="t2aHeaderNav2-backLink h-hideDesktop"  
45                onclick='ga("send", "event", "click", "backtoallcards", "${bBankerCode}");' 
47                <img width="18px" height="24px" style="padding: 5px" src="${backButtonMobileImageUrl}" alt=""/> 
48            </a> 
49        </#if> 
50        <a href="/web/creditcardapply/cc/landing?bankercode=${bBankerCode}${ecidQueryParam}" target="_self" aria-label="U.S. Bank logo. Link to Creditcardapply Home">  
51            <svg viewBox="0 0 431 120" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> 
52                <title>UsBank</title> 
53                <path d="M425.438 74.6317C422.443 74.6317 420.04 77.0267 420.04 80.03C420.04 83.06 422.425 85.465 425.438 85.465C428.452 85.465 430.858 83.0517 430.858 80.03C430.858 77.0083 428.453 74.6317 425.438 74.6317ZM425.438 84.7283C422.828 84.7283 420.792 82.6483 420.792 80.0383C420.792 77.4433 422.857 75.37 425.438 75.37C428.033 75.37 430.092 77.4483 430.092 80.0383C430.092 82.6467 428.043 84.7283 425.438 84.7283Z" fill="white"/> 
54                <path d="M427.785 81.7284C427.785 81.4284 427.677 81.1217 427.462 80.8084C427.247 80.4934 426.907 80.3 426.442 80.2267C426.808 80.1684 427.095 80.07 427.302 79.9384C427.688 79.6884 427.882 79.2967 427.882 78.765C427.882 78.0184 427.575 77.515 426.96 77.26C426.615 77.1167 426.075 77.0467 425.338 77.0467H423.258V82.99H424.305V80.6517H425.132C425.687 80.6517 426.075 80.715 426.297 80.8434C426.883 81.1884 426.847 81.94 426.857 82.6084C426.86 82.765 426.87 82.8367 426.908 82.99H427.89C427.843 82.8967 427.818 82.8717 427.802 82.6067C427.783 82.3234 427.787 82.215 427.787 81.73L427.785 81.7284ZM425.25 79.9134H424.303V77.76H425.198C426.467 77.76 426.863 78.0584 426.863 78.8517C426.863 79.7217 426.17 79.9134 425.25 79.9134Z" fill="white"/> 
55                <path d="M196.608 22.5783C188.305 22.5783 181.59 25.9967 179.025 29.7817V0H160.832V84.7267H178.78V77.8883C181.588 82.5283 187.815 86.07 195.875 86.07C212.847 86.07 224.813 72.7617 224.813 54.2017C224.813 36.0083 214.19 22.5783 196.608 22.5783ZM192.578 69.465C185.375 69.465 178.78 64.3367 178.78 54.325C178.78 44.0683 185.373 39.3067 192.578 39.3067C199.783 39.3067 206.253 44.0683 206.253 54.325C206.253 64.46 199.782 69.465 192.578 69.465Z" fill="white"/> 
56                <path d="M283.033 75.325V45.655C283.033 33.2 275.83 22.2117 256.172 22.2117C238.345 22.2117 230.287 33.6883 229.553 42.3583L245.67 45.655C246.037 41.1367 249.577 36.7417 256.048 36.7417C261.908 36.7417 264.962 39.7933 264.962 43.335C264.962 45.41 263.863 46.9983 260.567 47.4867L246.28 49.685C236.268 51.15 228.332 57.255 228.332 68C228.332 77.6467 236.023 86.4367 249.333 86.4367C257.392 86.4367 263.253 83.0183 266.428 77.89C266.428 82.0417 266.917 84.24 267.038 84.7283H283.767C283.645 84.1183 283.033 80.0883 283.033 75.3267V75.325ZM264.962 60.9167C264.962 70.3183 259.345 73.005 253.85 73.005C248.722 73.005 246.647 69.9517 246.647 66.7783C246.647 62.505 249.577 60.6733 253.485 60.0633L264.963 58.2317V60.9183L264.962 60.9167Z" fill="white"/> 
57                <path d="M348.153 46.6317V84.7267H329.593V49.8067C329.593 43.8233 326.418 39.3067 319.703 39.3067C313.598 39.3067 309.692 43.825 309.692 49.93V84.7283H291.132V24.0433H309.08V31.0033C312.377 25.265 319.825 22.4567 326.052 22.4567C341.315 22.4567 348.152 33.3233 348.152 46.6333L348.153 46.6317Z" fill="white"/> 
58                <path d="M375.053 0V44.4333L393.49 24.0433H417.545L393.857 49.5617L418.033 84.7267H395.322L381.037 63.36L375.053 69.83V84.7267H356.493V0H375.053Z" fill="white"/> 
59                <path d="M0 90.8333L72.5 120L145 90.8333V0H0V90.8333Z" fill="#D11B25"/> 
60                <path d="M55.15 78.6217C51.975 83.8717 45.015 86.07 38.91 86.07C24.135 86.07 15.8333 75.325 15.8333 62.3817V24.0433H34.3933V58.4767C34.3933 64.3383 37.5683 68.9767 44.1617 68.9767C50.3883 68.9767 54.2967 64.7033 54.2967 58.5983V24.0433H72.8567V73.86C72.8567 79.355 73.345 83.75 73.4667 84.7267H55.64C55.395 83.6283 55.1517 80.2083 55.1517 78.6217H55.15Z" fill="white"/> 
61                <path d="M95.955 64.7017C96.2 68.8533 99.13 72.8833 105.478 72.8833C110.24 72.8833 112.56 70.32 112.56 67.6333C112.56 65.435 111.095 63.6033 106.577 62.6267L99.6167 61.04C86.6733 58.2317 81.545 50.905 81.545 42.3583C81.545 31.2467 91.3133 22.2117 104.867 22.2117C122.45 22.2117 128.555 33.2017 129.165 40.2833L113.78 43.0917C113.292 39.0617 110.727 35.6433 105.11 35.6433C101.568 35.6433 98.5167 37.7183 98.5167 40.8933C98.5167 43.4567 100.592 44.9233 103.278 45.4117L111.337 46.9983C123.913 49.5617 130.018 57.1333 130.018 66.0467C130.018 76.425 122.082 86.56 105.842 86.56C86.7933 86.56 80.6883 74.2283 80.2 67.5117L95.9517 64.7033L95.955 64.7017Z" fill="white"/> 
62            </svg> 
63        </a> 
64        <#if !url?contains("/landing")> 
65            <a  
66                href="${backButtonUrl}"  
67                target="_self"  
68                aria-label="Back to All Cards"  
69                class="t2aHeaderNav2-backLink t2aHeaderNav2-backLinkDesktop h-hideMobile"                  
70                onclick='ga("send", "event", "click", "backtoallcards", "${bBankerCode}");'                 
72                <img width="18px" height="18px" src="${backButtonImageUrl}" alt="" style="margin-right: 12px"/>${backText.getData()} 
73            </a> 
74        </#if> 
75    </div> 